magine being able to investigate our oceans, explore and support seascapes, and aid marine
organisms. In a world where conservation is a growing concern, imagine being able to create and
implement solutions that benefit our future. Within the Old Kings Elementary School Marine Science and
Conservation Flagship program, these activities are a daily experience for our students.
Our unique program is designed to educate students on the four systems that interact on Earth (nitrogen
cycle, carbon cycle, photosynthesis, and water cycle) and the effects of human impact. The OKES “Owls In
Action” have several projects that each focus on a specific problem facing our seas. Overfishing, plastic
pollution, global warming, water acidification, coral bleaching, dune erosion, and dead zones are among the
topics of focus our program is addressing.
In our flagship STEM lab, students explore marine science concepts through inquiry-based learning.
Explorations that students participate in include: researching marine science careers; utilizing engineering
design to build water vessel, exploring buoyancy, stability and propulsion; investigating sea organism
anatomy and marine life adaptions through dissection; exploring life cycles of fish by raising and releasing
Trout and Striped Bass; building underwater robots that simulate underwater research; and sponsoring turtle
nest clean ups.
Students are developing systems that will be implemented in our community to bring awareness and
solutions to the problems our seas are facing. Additionally, students are implementing conservation activities
that will help to restore, protect, and preserve our oceans and their inhabitants. This allows students to
understand how to become a marine conservationist as a career. The following are among the projects that
are currently being implemented:
3 0 - DAY WAS T E C H AL L E N G E
6th grade students are challenging selected classrooms to reduce waste by reducing, reusing and recycling.
The goal of the project is to introduce the importance of recycling and to demonstrate how “thinking like a
conservationist” can reduce the amount of trash that enters our landfills and oceans.
G O G REE N , AC T G R E E N !
Students have raised money to implement a program that educates the students, K-6, on the benefits and
best practices of recycling and purchased seven recycling stations.
The Paws to Read program visited the
FLOAT lab to read with students.