Stash These Supplies For
When You Have Down Time:
• Fort-building kit (check Amazon)
• Parachute (double duty in
making forts)
• Nerf products (for throwing in
the house)
• Nutella (for crepe-making)
• Instant snow (for creating your home
in miniature)
• Glitter (for adding to playdough and
making sculptures sparkle)
• iTunes card (for lip syncing and finger
painting to music)
• Twister
22) I say potato, you say potahto. Break out the potatoes, cut them in
half and carve the cut ends into stamps. Then, transform leftover brown
bags into recycled wrapping paper.
23) Trashion passion. What’s in your recycle bins? Divide it up into two
teams, mix in some plastic and paper bags, set a timer for one hour and see
who can whip up some runway magic for a quick trashion runway show.
24) Lip-sync battle. Everyone picks their favorite tunes and then battles it
out on whatever kind of “stage” you can create. For extra fun, video the
numbers and cut some short clips together into a compilation.
25) Sculpture magic. Go through all of your art supply cabinets and
drawers and pull out everything you can bear to part with. Be sure to
include sticks, wire or string. Then, see who can create the most original
sculpture using supplies on hand.
• Pictionary
• Foursquare ball
• Hacky sack
• Painter’s tape
• Chalk pastels
• Finger paints and coated paper
• Bananas
• Avocados
• Bag of russet potatoes
Author, journalist, and writing
coach Christina Katz has fond
memories of getting snowed in
for days when she was a kid.
Her favorite activity was making
obstacle courses in
the basement.
Enroll today!
Spring semester classes
start Jan. 14, 2019.
(386) 506-4DSC
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