pottery , ceramics , quilting , quilling and sewing ) in middle and old age may delay cognitive decline in very old age . My mother is going to be 91 in a week and still paints every day . She is youthful , creative and great fun to be around !
These findings underscore the idea that it is possible to build a “ cognitive reserve ” through engaging in novel , creative experiences that have a protective effect on the brain . My mother says that when she looks in the mirror , she still sees a sixteen-year-old girl . As well , according to the principal investigator , “ Our study supports the idea that engaging the mind may protect neurons , or the building blocks of the brain , from dying , stimulate growth of new neurons , or may help recruit new neurons to maintain cognitive activities in old age ” ( American Academy of Neurology , 2015 ).
I believe the mind is immensely powerful and that we were always meant to create . My doctors are amazed by my recovery …. even though walking is still a little troublesome . But I am thankful every day to still be here …. and especially able to create ! As my momma says , “ It ’ s our Happy Place !”
Music & Art can be used to develop essential lifelong skills in an exciting and informative way , for all ages and abilities . Whether you are able bodied or disabled , big or small , clever or average or young or old , there are things that can be learned by exploring creative media such as creative writing , design or sculpting or making music .
Research has shown that these programs keep the mind sharp , enhance coordination , sharpen your reading skills , increase listening skills , promote sense of achievement , boost concentration , reform time management skills , lower stress and blood pressure , regulates mood , help with problem solving , handling conflict , help to prevent dementia , depression and help treat Alzheimer ’ s disease .
The World Economic Forum reports that there is ‘ A new vision for Education ’, Fostering Social and Emotional Learning Through Technology . The report states that traditional learning falls short of equipping people with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive . The gap between the skills people learn , and the skills required to succeed with their career is becoming more obvious . Today ’ s job candidates must be able to collaborate , communicate and problem solve . These Skills are developed mainly through Social and Emotional learning . Combined with traditional skills , this social and emotional proficiency will equip people to succeed in the evolving digital economy .
Ken Robinson was one of the world ’ s most influential voices in education and an internationally recognized leader on creativity and human potential . He focused on one of the most critical issues of our time : how to transform the nation ’ s troubled educational system . At a time when standardized testing businesses are raking in huge profits , when many schools are struggling , and students and educators everywhere are suffering under the strain , Robinson pointed the way forward . He argued for a highly personalized , organic approach that draws on today ’ s unprecedented technological and professional resources to engage all students , develop their love of learning , and enable them to face the real challenges of the twenty-first century .
Creative , Social and Emotional Skills are essential life , health and wellness skills . Find an outlet that you love and create one for your child .
Linda Brandt is the art director at JAM-OLOGY and also has a private art studio in St . Augustine . She and JAM-OLOGY help develop essential social & emotional life skills in an exciting and informative way for all ages and abilities . Find out more at https :// jam-ology . com /.
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