Eating Right : The Current Guidance
Compiled by Jeanne Coates from CDC Guidelines
Eating right can be such a challenge , even when you know the right thing to do . The guidelines about what is good for you has changed year over year , so the eating plan of your parents may not be right for you today .
The Center for Disease Control has issued new guidelines for the years 2020-2025 . Their recommendations are to help all Americans , including those who are healthy , atrisk for diet-related diseases and those living with these diseases .
Limit added sugars to less than 10 % of calories per day for ages 2 and older and avoid added sugars for infants and toddlers .
Limit saturated fat to less than 10 % of calories per day starting at age 2 .
Limit sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day ( or less for those younger than 14 ).
Limit alcoholic beverages ( if consumed ) to 2 drinks or less a day for men and 1 drink or less per day for women .
Customize and enjoy nutrient-dense food and beverage choices to reflect personal preferences , cultural traditions and budgetary considerations .
Stay within calorie limits .
Limit foods and beverages higher in added sugars , saturated fat , and sodium , and limit alcoholic beverages .
Create a pattern of healthy eating instead of just making a healthy choice now and then .
INFANTS AND TODDLERS : Key Recommendations
For about the first 6 months of life , exclusively feed infants human milk . Continue to feed infants human milk through at least the first year of life , and longer if desired . Feed infants iron-fortified infant formula during the first year of life when human milk is unavailable .
Provide infants with supplemental vitamin D beginning soon after birth .
If mother is on a strictly vegan diet and providing human milk , either mother or infant may need supplemental B12 .
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