We are very aware that there is great support for further enhancement of the use of IT at PNPS. The
school’s strategic plan mentions IT on several occasions and specifically expresses the desire to continue
to enhance the use of IT in delivering quality education at PNPS.
Using educational software such as IXL Maths, Talking Stories and Evalunet, as well as data projectors,
interactive whiteboards and a bank of tablets, enhances the teaching and learning that takes place at
PNPS on a daily basis. We deliver stimulating online lessons via our YouTube channels, enabling parents
and children to access curriculum content created by staff.
Our aim at PNPS is not to replace teachers and their teaching with technology, but rather use this
amazing tool to enhance learning at our school. We have been able to achieve this in many ways and
regularly continue to enhance our own learning.
This progressive approach to integrate IT into the ethos of our school, is allowing our children to
become competent in the use of technology, to communicate and to access information in this
increasingly digital age.
“Inclusive education is the process whereby the school systems,
strategic plans and policies adapt and change to include teaching
strategies for a wider more diverse range of children and their
families. Inclusive education implicitly means to identify a child’s
learning style and adapt the classroom and teaching strategies to
ensure high quality learning outcomes for all members of the class.
Everyone is important, unique and valued for their contribution to
the school.”
Donna Lene, Principal of Senese Inclusive Education for Samoa
At Pinelands North, we celebrate uniqueness and differences. We accept each child as they are and
build up their strengths. Our aim is to have confident pupils who are free to explore their abilities and
make mistakes and grow from them. This is why we offer a well-balanced learning and extra mural
programme that offers a diverse range of cultural, academic and sporting activities.
We catch children doing things right and use positive reinforcement when disciplining our pupils.
Our teachers’ aides spend time helping children individually.
In the Foundation Phase, we teach in small ability groups to ensure that each child develops at
his or her own pace. We vary the amount of written work we give our pupils. Children make use
of individual work cards, which helps us to meet all their needs.
Pinelands North Primary School