PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 9

Competition Prep & Safety

Competition Preparation

• TIMING . Plan enough time to eat , dress , arrive and park at venue and meet the team . Use the x1.5 rule : If you estimate all of this will take two hours , allow three . If you arrive early , your athlete can relax , watch the competition , get something to eat , etc .
• BRING CASH . Some competitions are CASH ONLY admission .
• AWARDS . Make sure you know what time awards are and what time you are expected back for awards .
• HAIR & MAKE-UP . Make sure you know how hair and make-up should be done . If you need help , reach out to a veteran parent .

Competition Safety

• EAT RIGHT . Your athlete needs to eat a good meal right before meeting with his / her team . The warm-up and competition can take a few hours , so your athlete may not be able to eat during that time .
• INFORM THE COACH . Make your coach aware of any health issues that your child may have : asthma , diabetes , epilepsy , anxiety , etc . Provide supplies or medications your child may need , such as an inhaler , epipen , etc .
• KEEP YOUR BELONGINGS . Keep your athlete ’ s valuables with you . Most competitions do not provide a secure place for athletes ’ belongings in the warm-up room or while they compete .
• ASK QUESTIONS . When you drop off your athlete , will a coach be there to take responsibility for your child ? Are athletes supervised at all times ? Is there a buddy system in place ?
• KEEP YOUR CHILD SAFE . Know where to meet your child after he or she performs . YOU are responsible for your child at the competition .
• BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS AT ALL TIMES . Provide an emergency plan for your child in the competition they are separated from their coach , team or you .

Guidelines & Tips

• NEVER LEAVE A MINOR ATHLETE unattended or unsupervised .
• KNOW THE SCHEDULE provided by the coach to insure your athlete is present for all practices and / or team meetings .
• COVER UP . When not in the warm-up room or on the competition floor , all athletes in crop tops must cover bare midriffs .
• DO NOT BLOCK the judges ’ view of the performance floor with tablets , cameras or signs .
• NO ONE IS THE EXCEPTION TO THE RULE when it comes to using no-entrance areas , approaching judges stands or climbing over barriers . Many event producers can or will penalize your child ’ s team for your inability to follow posted rules that are there for your safety .
• LEARN THE FLOW of the fan-viewing section and do not block aisles . Know the meeting places designated by the coach that are in compliance with the venue space .
• COMPETITIONS ARE RECRUITING-FREE ZONES ! Avoid making contact with athletes and parents from other clubs in an effort to bring them over to your club . Enjoy the competition ! Be the friendly group that other parents aspire to be . Support your child and coaches so they have the most successful competition possible and let your child enjoy their moment in the spotlight !