PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 32

PHYSICAL SIGNS OF ABUSE Direct physical signs of sexual abuse are not common . However , when physical signs are present , they may include bruising , bleeding , redness and bumps , or scabs around the mouth , genital or anus . Urinary tract infections , sexually transmitted diseases and abnormal vaginal or penile discharge are also warning signs . There are other indirect physical signs that include :
• persistent or recurring pain during urination or bowel movements
• wetting or soiling accidents unrelated to toilet training
• sexually transmitted diseases
• chronic stomach pain
• headaches
HOW CAN YOU TELL IF AN ADULT IS TAKING TOO MUCH INTEREST IN YOUR CHILD ? CHILD GROOMING is a deliberate process by which offenders gradually initiate and maintain sexual relationships with victims in secrecy . On the surface , grooming a child can look like a close relationship between the offending adult , the targeted child and ( potentially ) the child ’ s caregivers . By recognizing grooming behavior you can intervene . Here are examples of red flag behaviors :
• special attention / preference to a child
• gift giving
• touching or hugging the child
• sympathetic listener
• offers to help the family
• gaining access via the internet
To learn more about child grooming and see examples of red flag behaviors ,
Source : DARKNESS TO LIGHT https :// www . d2l . org National Helpline : 866 . For . Light