PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 3

Remember :

Free abuse awareness training for parents and athletes

Make All Star fun for

Your Child

Any extracurricular activity can be a big commitment for families and we ’ re delighted that your child has chosen All Star ! The benefits of All Star are many and as a parent you want to provide the best physical , mental and social environment for your child . In addition to skills training , All Star provides enrichment and growth opportunities on and off the floor .
Your child ’ s All Star experience will be influenced by many factors , but nothing will influence that experience more than you . As a parent , you are the most influential figure in your child ’ s development , both as an athlete and as a person . Embrace that opportunity .

Remember :

• Let kids be kids . Fun should be paramount .
• Be supportive . Be disciplined . Be respectful . Manage your emotions and set a good example that teaches your child to do the same .
• Don ’ t bully or harass . Speak out if you see bullying or harassing behavior from others .
• Focus on the process , not the outcome and teach your child to do the same .
• Praise your child ’ s effort more often than their performance .
• Keep All Star in perspective . Encourage your child to be well-rounded with interests both on and off the floor .
• Enjoy the All Star experience with your child . Life moves fast and time passes quickly . Soon your child will be grown and you ’ ll wish you could return to these days , if just for a moment .
• So savor these seasons , don ’ t rush them . Make the experience one that you ’ ll remember fondly together years from now .
Youth participation in sports can have lifelong positive mental and physical health impacts . It also means it is time to start the discussion of what a safe , healthy sport experience should feel and look like to your minor athlete . The USASF highly recommends parents / guardians of minor athletes participate in optional minor abuse prevention education with their children .
1 . To access online training created by the U . S . Center for SafeSport , go to GET TRAINED and click ENROLLMENT KEY .
2 . Enter this enrollment key name when prompted : CSFreeKids . 3 . Sign up to create an account . 4 . From the dashboard , choose either of these FREE courses : SafeSport for Kids or SafeSport for Youth Athletes .
You may refer also to this handbook : PARENT AND GUARDIAN ' S HANDBOOK FOR SAFER SPORT