PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 29

Step up and speak out

A parent ’ s guide to selecting youth organizations

Between All Star practice , school and piano lessons , your child is frequently in the care of many different adults . By stepping up and speaking out to youth serving organizations in your community , you have the power to protect your child and countless others against child sexual abuse . Organizations should be ready and willing to talk about their prevention measures . Following are some proactive questions to help you start the conversation .
IS THERE A CHILD PROTECTION POLICY ? Youth-serving organizations should have clearly defined child protection policies .
DOES THE POLICY INCLUDE LIMITING ISOLATED ONE-ON-ONE SITUATIONS ? One-on-one time is important to a child ’ s emotional growth and development , but it does not have to happen behind closed doors . One-on-one interactions should take place in an open , observable and interruptible setting .
HOW ARE EMPLOYEES AND VOLUNTEERS SCREENED ? Employee screening best practices includes an in-depth application , personal and professional references , criminal background check and an extensive interview .
DO OLDER AND YOUNGER CHILDREN INTERACT ? IF SO , HOW ? Supervising contact between children and older / bigger youth requires structure and adult supervision . There should be separate areas and activities for different age groups . Make it clear that you would always like an adult present with your child .
Source : DARKNESS TO LIGHT https :// www . d2l . org National Helpline : 866 . For . Light