PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 21

What ’ s in a

What ’ s in a

Name ?

An All Star Dance team is defined first by division , then size and finally category . For example : Senior Small Jazz or SSJ .
DIVISION The composition of a competing group of dancers : Tiny , Mini , Youth / Youth Coed , Junior / Junior Coed , Senior / Senior Coed , Open
SIZE Small 4-14 members Large 15 + members
CATEGORY The style of a performance piece or competition routine : Jazz Pom Hip Hop Contemporary / Lyrical Kick Variety
JETÉ [ juh-TAY ]: When the dancer takes off from one foot by brushing the feet into the ground and swiftly ‘ whipping ’ them into the position and then landing on one foot . A jeté can be executed in various directions , sizes and positions
LEAP : When the dancer pushes from a plié ( bend ) off of one foot , becomes airborne and lands on one foot .
PASSÉ [ pa-SAY ]: When the working leg bends and connects the foot to , or near , the knee of the supporting leg ; meaning to pass . Passé can be executed with the hips parallel or turned out .
PARTNERING ( executed by pairs ): When two dancers use support from one another . Partnering can involve both Supporting and Executing skills .
PIROUETTE [ peer-o-WET ]: ( axis rotation ). When the dancer bends ( plié ) and rises ( relevé ) to one leg ( supporting leg ) making a complete rotation of the body ; meaning to whirl . A pirouette can be executed in a variety of positions .
PLIÉ [ plee-AY ]: A preparatory and landing skill in which the dancer bends , softens his / her knees ; meaning to bend .
RELEASE ( executed by groups or pairs ): The moment when the executing dancer is free of contact from the performance floor and the supporting dancer ( s ).
RELEVÉ [ rell-eh-VAY ]: When the dancer lifts up to the balls of his / her feet ; meaning to rise .
SUPPORTING DANCER : A dancer in groups or pairs who support or maintain contact with an executing dancer .
WINDMILL : When a dancer spins from his / her upper back to the chest while twirling his / her legs around his / her body in a V-shape . The leg motion gives the majority of the power , allowing the body to flip from a position on the back to a position with the chest to the ground .