PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 19

INVERSION : When an athlete ’ s waist and feet are above his / her head .
JUMP : An airborne position not involving flipping . There are different types of jumps with varying degrees of difficulty .
LAYOUT : Performed forward or backward when an athlete is straightbodied while flipping .
MOUNT : The way in which a flyer goes into a stunt .
PREP / PREP-LEVEL : Also referred to as a “ half ,” when a flyer ’ s foot is positioned at the shoulder level of the bases .
PYRAMID : Two or more connected stunts .
RELEASE MOVE : When a flyer is airborne , released from base ( s ).
RUNNING TUMBLING : Tumbling performed with a running entry .
SINGLE-BASED STUNT : When only one person is basing a flyer .
SINGLE-LEG STUNT : When a flyer is standing on one leg in a stunt .
SPONGE : When a flyer dismounts to a waist level stunt and then is placed on the ground .
STANDING TUMBLING : Tumbling performed without running or forward momentum .
STUNT : When athletes lift other athletes and these athletes perform body positions and skills while suspended .
TICK TOCK : When the flyer switches weight from one foot to the other in a stunt .
TUMBLING : The “ floor ” portion of gymnastics which is incorporated into All Star . It is an individual activity but can be performed simultaneously among athletes .
TUCK : Performed forward or backward when an athlete jumps or rebounds into an inverted tucked position and does not have hand contact with the floor .
WALKOVER : Performed forward or backwards when an athlete rotates hips over head without losing contact with the floor .