PARENT GUIDE 2025 | Page 14

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What to know about injury

Contrary to media hype that exacerbates the level of danger associated with All Star , this sport contains a very similar risk to all other sports . As with all sports , there is physical activity and physical contact , both which could cause injury . It is important to know how to detect , treat and prevent an injury .
ACHILLES TENDONITIS Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon in the back of the ankle that connects the muscle for pointing your foot . As the Achilles is active during relevé and pointing the foot , this overuse injury is quite common in dancers , especially those utilizing improper technique or participating in excessive training . Gradual onset of pain and tenderness just above the heel which may feel better when warmed up , but worse with jumping or relevé . Prevention includes stretching your Achilles with your foot in parallel and strengthening your quadriceps / hip / core to decrease force absorption at the ankle . Treatment consists of correct training technique and calf stretching . It ’ s important to treat early as to prevent tendon rupture !
ACL TEAR This is a complete tear of the anterior cruciate ligament . This is usually caused from landing short or over rotating during a tumbling pass . Treatment is almost always reconstructive surgery and / or physical therapy .
CONCUSSION A jostling of the brain inside the skull which can cause bruising and blood vessel and nerve damage . Some symptoms include nausea , headache , dizziness , sensitivity to light or noise , blurred vision , headache and / or memory loss . This needs to be diagnosed by a doctor and usually requires at least two weeks of no physical activity or pushing through the pain . This is extremely unsafe for the athlete . Not allowing yourself to full recovery could worsen the injury .
LOWER BACK INJURY ( muscle strain , ligament sprain , fracture , disc disorders ) Because our sport stresses flexibility so much , back pain is extremely common . Back pain does not always signal a serious injury , but it could depending on severity . Sprains and strains usually respond to rest and / or physical therapy . If back pain is persistent , an xray and / or MRI should be done . Proper conditioning of the hamstrings can help alleviate lower back injury .

Did you

Know ?

USASF-credentialed coaches are required to complete THE BASELINE COURSE which provides information on assessing and / or handling athletes with concussions , cardiac issues and overheating .