P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 2 | Page 80

So...if you're like most people who want to establish your credit, you may be asking yourself, "who can I turn to for information or assistance?" If you're that ambitious individual or team who may be looking to qualify for a small business loan for an entrepreneurial endeavor, you may be asking the same question. You could also simply be a person looking to improve your credit in order apply for your very first car or home loan.

Maybe you could even just be an individual looking to qualify for a travel rewards credit card to pursue your traveling portfolio while saving money on airfare. No matter who you are, or what your plans may be, your main focus should be looking for someone to assist you or completing the task on your own. Ironically, there is no right or wrong answer. Some people are just so confused that they don't know where to start. Others probably don't want to even risk figuring out what they should do. Some people may be more knowledgeable about all of the different procedures that need to take place regarding establishing credit so they would prefer to do it themselves.

One piece of advice would be to first identify what it is that you're trying to accomplish, what obstacles are before you and lastly, be real with yourself. If

you know you need help, search for the right company to accommodate your needs. Keep

in mind that there will be some financial obligation on your part, in order to receive these services, but the return on your investment will be well worth it. It will also save you a great deal of personal time and reduce the amount of mistakes made during this process, due to the fact that you're receiving professional assistance. One company that has been providing expert advice and credit repair services for over 25 years is Lexington Law (LexingtonLaw.com). Another trusted company is CreditRepair.com.

However, if you know what you want to accomplish, you know what obstacles lie ahead and are willing to put in the amount of time necessary to contact the various companies or institutions to get the feedback you desire, by all means... save yourself the money, the headache and do it yourself.

There are also many self-help books/guides and websites that will give you the knowledge and tools needed to facilitate each aspect of the credit repair process. One book to check out is Self Help Guide To Credit Repair by Stephen Steinberger. Another good reference guide is Credit Repair-

financial Tools and solutions

By: Mark Chambers