P.A.R.C. Mag Issue # 2 | Page 37

Where did that come from if not from the vaccination he received which has mercury in it? His levels were way up and excessive heavy metal presence affects brain activity. I think I've been too busy researching ways to combat the effects of his autism diagnosis. I was dedicated to improving his condition and still am because this is an all the time activity. I would only feel frustrated if I sensed he was frustrated because not being able to communicate the way you want is stressful and they get agitatedly that. When the speech finally came on some of his frustrations went right out the window. He has good and bad days but being able to express himself and find the appropriate words has been a fantastic experience to see him through. The things he says now ... Sometimes a bit naughty but his delivery makes you want to laugh but I try my hardest to keep a straight face."

P.A.R.C. Mag: Is there any advice that you can provide to young mothers or mothers of children newly diagnosed with autism?

Lisa: "My advice to mothers with children with an Autism diagnosis, never been keen on the word autistic, would be yes, accept the diagnosis but know that autism is not an absolute science. There are levels to it and it varies child to child. Loud sounds don't affect Julion. He's always up for trying new things and loves to be around people even if he's not directly engaged. These are not supposed to be characteristic of a child with this diagnosis but that is Julion. Early intervention is great. Recognition early on can adversely impact the child's future reaching milestones and accomplishments you might never have expected. They need to learn to cope with uncomfortable situations and once they learn how to be patient, self-calm and self-manage they are able to push past obstacles and flourish in ways you would never believe possible."

There are many services to offer you support. To Get info or help, click on Autism Speaks.