It’s a
full moon
Lunar cycle's effects on
paranormal activity
- by Eric Jobes
As I'm sure most peopled learned in grade school science class, the Moon affects quite a bit as it goes
from Full moon to New moon. The most obvious of these is the changing of the tides, but what if it did
more than that? What if it messed with more than just the tides? What if caused shifts in other things
such as the brain or even..... whether or not a location has a lot of paranormal occurrences?
Continued from Previous Page..
The new laptop (and this was several
laptops ago) was unable even to find
the recorder when connected.
If you find yourself in the situation in
which I found myself, in which your
recorder is invisible to your laptop because you lack the proprietary software
that allows it to transfer files, the only
work-around is to connect the recorder’s headphone jack to your computer’s
microphone jack with a patch cable
and use an audio capture/editing program to record the audio to your computer as you play it on your recorder.
Be advised, this is not only time consuming (it takes as long to do this as it
did to make the original recording) but
gives you a recording that is audibly
inferior to the one on your recorder.
Apps for Paranormal Investigations.
Let’s first look at what effects it might have on the human
brain and its