Paranormal Porch The Magazine Nov 2015 | Page 6

-by James Burnette There are usually two reactions I notice when I tell people I’m into the paranormal. You get people who think that is awesome and they want to ask you every little detail about what you do and how you do it. Then you get that look, like you’re crazy. You think with all the shows and movies, that the paranormal would be more acceptable. I think there has been a slight change ,but only in more people that want to get into it. I still have people come up to me asking if we use psychics and if I feel anything in haunted areas. I just laugh, shrug it off. People do not realize how much actual science is in studying the paranormal. When you do an investigation, you basically follow the exact steps of the scientific method that you learn in middle school. Then also I think what happens is they see the shows, and they are fans of it all. They just want meet actual people who do it. CONTACT US TO HAVE YOUR AD IN THE NEXT ISSUE OF PARANORMAL PORCH THE MAGAZINE! So my thing is ask a lot of questions so they do not waste your time. For every investigation you’re doing, you could be out there helping someone who really does need your help. Thanks for reading my RANT. 6