Some people ask… why investigate in the dark? There are many reasons including:
1. Lights cause EMI noise on audio
2. Dark conditions let you investigate
claims of strange lights at night
3. Dark conditions bring out rodents
that could be behind paranormal
claims (noises at night for
4. A building’s natural state can be
captured with power off and no
artificial lighting. Removing as
much power and lighting reduces
the chance for noise to distract
from data collection.
Security cameras that have a night vision capability use IR light to provide a picture in total darkness. Not having enough IR light causes strange video effects and artifacts to appear that can be incorrectly interpreted by paranormal investigators as movement. So, to fix this, you need to add more IR light, and this is done by adding IR illuminators. One technique I like to use is to place IR illuminators with every camera to boost the IR light level as well as placing IR illuminators down the range of the cameras. Using things that are reflective to help spread out the IR light helps even out the light levels to make clearer pictures.