Over the years, I’ve had help from several “experts” on analyzing photographs, including people with special software to check for photoshopped photos and those who know facial reconstruction. We’ve been able to narrow down the possible age of the apparition in the photograph and we’ve been able to identify several fakes presented by well-known people in the paranormal community.
Photography has been a passion of mine for decades. Taking a photo of an event used to be the way to prove you were there, or that the event even happened. These days, with high definition cameras available for a good price and some editing software, or even phone apps, you can create your own version of what happened.
Photos have been faked since they were invented. I won’t go over the history of how photos are made or the technicalities of how to fake a photo, but I will explain why when your friend says he captured something on his phone the other night when he heard noises in his house, you should do a little research before believing what you see.
Later on, another photo we received I had mulled over because I couldn’t’t quite figure it out. I was almost certain it was fake but couldn’t figure out exactly how it was done. Then, a few months
later, I received an email from a concerned friend who had received an email containing the photo from a family member. I asked a few questions and the answers were vague. I asked certain questions about the photo because it was the same “apparition” I received a few months prior. When grilled, my friend said the family member finally confessed that she had received it from a friend and that she didn’t know the circumstances behind the photo (when before she had said she took the photo).
Peaches Veatch currently heads California Paranormal Private Investigators (Calpara or CPPI--), a group dedicated to educating the public regarding hauntings. She began investigating the paranormal at age 9 by trying to capture electronic voice phenomenon (EVP). You can find CPPI on Facebook, Twitter (@Calpara) and the web at