Paranormal Life JAN 2015 | Page 2

There are two different speculations regarding why UFO's, or Unidentified Flying Objects, are recorded by people across the world. One is called the Interdimensional hypothesis (IDH), while the other is reffered to as Extraterrestrial Hypothesis (ETH). Although both ideas contain compelling arguments, they differ greatly.

"Extraterrestrial Hyptothesis" comes from the fact that UFO's are often associated with alien beings of a higher intelligence powering aircraft and utilizing technologies

that far exceed our own. Society has created an image of a superior race traveling from far off distances to come and observe, study, or even abduct humans. Media tends to portray UFO's and other unexplainable phenomenon in this grand manner. However, the idea that foreign beings come to visit the planet Earth in spacecraft is rooted in the actual hypothesis popularized by Edward Condon, an American nuclear physicist.

A significant, albeit less popular, hypothesis states that UFO's may come from a source much closer than we think: another