Paranormal Investigator Magazine Issue I | Page 71

A “New” Look at Orbs I began doing extensive research by turning out all of the lights in my basement at the time, turning on my Sony Hi8 Night Vision video camera, and standing in the dark room in front of it conducting open air EVP sessions. I would explain what I was doing and that I not only wanted to speak with the spirits but also to see what they looked like in their current form. From there I asked them to speak directly into the red light on my voice recorder. After my first attempt I immediately reviewed my video. To my astonishment, when I asked my first question and left my standard ten seconds of silence behind the question, I saw a faint pulsating orb move erratically towards the red light and vanish into my recorder! As I began to ask my next question the orb darted out of the device. I raced to the computer and downloaded the voice recorder. Sure enough, the first question that I asked “What is your name?” had a Class C EVP behind it that replied “Michael.” The time stamp matched up and I had captured audio and video evidence on two separate devices. That was one of the moments that changed everything for me.      They explained that once we no longer need to the human body our life force exists with no physical form, only our soul light. Hearing these words was not only complete validation for me but a true glimpse into the fate of every living being. In my findings, my suspicions had been correct. As I began conducting more experiments I began to ask the spirits if they would assist me by directly responding to my requests such as “Please move towards me very slowly”, and “If there is more than one of you here can you line up and move towards the light (video camera).” Upon review the orb energy would respond to my requests. I was witness to vortex opening and closing, where my video camera would be unable to focus, and then suddenly countless orbs would emerge from a single point. When these vortexes would open I would have friends and relatives walk into the point where they appeared, and they would seemingly vanish from view of the camera, though I could still hear them and they could hear me. I would then ask them to walk back towards my voice, and they would reappear as the camera attempted to focus on them. In asking the spirits what was happening they explained that this was how they were able to travel between their dimension and ours. They also explained that these vortexes were a natural occurrence when the human body dies. From that point on I have lectured about my findings with pure conviction from coast to coast, and beyond. Unfortunately, with all of the paranormal reality programming, most people want what I like to call the “Hollywood” experience. If there aren’t chairs levitating, demonic voices screaming, and b ?????????????????????????)?????e??????????????????????????)????????????????e? ????Q???Q????????)???????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????????=????)?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ?()$????????????????????????????????????)?????????????????????????????????)=????????????????????????????????????????????E?????A????????? ????)M????? ? ?!????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????????????????$??????????????????????????????????????????????????????)???????????$????????????????????????)????????????????????????????$??????????)???????????????????????????????????)??????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????!??????????????)???????????????????????????????????$)?????????????????????????????????????$)??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????()Q??????????????????????$?????????????????????5????!????%?????? ?????????)%????]??????????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????????)???????????????????????]????????????????)Q????????????????????????????????????)???????? ????????)???!??????????????)?????? ????]?????????????????????)???????????????????????????????????)%???????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(+?P????P((0