Paranormal Investigator Magazine Issue I | Page 13

Touching the Other World sightings and images captured that may be interpreted as from the realm of Fey. People are braving the retelling of their encounters and finding support. Researching the unknown is growing in sophistication. UFO’s and aliens are trendy, zombies and vampires abound in books and movies and the paranormal is a training ground to allow mankind to open his mind once again to the possibilities, the wonder of ‘what’s out there’ and ‘what if’ our childhood sight was indeed another world of reality existing side by side with our life of the mundane.       Bio for Janice Tremeear LMT [email protected]  Janice (LMT) is an energy worker, paranormal researcher, speaker, author of five books; segments for the You Tube program “Silly String Theory” ,  a 1st Order member of the Reformed Druids of Gaia,  3rd degree Certified Master in Reiki, contributor to Haunt Jaunts and Sagewoman. Founder of ParaNatural Research Association her workshops include dowsing, Monsters / Myths of Missouri, Breathing the Veil, and “Touching the OtherWorld”.  She participated in an energy experiment with Joshua Shapiro and the Crystal Skull Explorers, interviewed on radio and TV, and will appear in the paranormal movie “Malevolent Entity” produced by Zomular Media Group LLC. —9—