ParaMag Volume 1 | Page 2

What was it like having your parents working on cases all the time and having an occult museum in your house?

Judy Spera née Warren says "It was terrifying. They would tell me these spooky stories and they would frighten me. That's why now, as an adult, I refuse to go on investigations or visit the occult museum . It's just too frightening for me ."

Ed and Lorraine Warren, the two most influential and inspirational pioneers of the paranormal field. Anyone remotely interested in the paranormal has to know their names. They are pioneers of the field and have helped the thousands with paranormal problems. From Amityville to Harrisville, their cases have stretched the whole world. Whilst conducting their investigations, they amassed many cursed, unholy, and ritualistic objects, and since 1952, they have been housed in an unsuspecting museum space in Monroe, Connecticut... And I have been honoured with the chance of interviewing Tony Spera (Director of the Museum), Judy Spera (Ed & Lorraine's Daughter) and the one and only Lorraine Warren herself.

What is the most frightening peice of the collection?

"The most frightening ( and most dangerous object in the museum is absolutely the " Annabelle doll."

Have you personally ever had a paranormal experience in the museum itself?

"Yes I have. We took a picture of Annabelle with our digital camera. Her hands were not touching, perhaps an inch and a half apart. A few minutes later I took another pic. This time the hands appeared to be touching each other!"

Ed and Lorraine Warren