Paraguay Paraguay-India | Page 25

SPECIAL REPORT etc. This means that although the Paraguayan market is small, the potential market is much higher. Thus, the maquiladoras of car components based in Paraguay supply the assemblers of Brazil and Argentina. In effect, MERCOSUR is the leading trade partner and Brazil and Argentina are the central exporting countries of Paraguay. In terms of infrastructure, about 90 percent of the 65,000 km of interurban routes in Paraguay are dirt roads. More investment is required in airports, roads, river dredging (without having a maritime coastline, there are ports on the Paraguay and Paraná rivers, which give access to the Atlantic Ocean, through the Paraná-Paraguay Waterway), and electricity networks for greater Internal use of the energy of the Itaipú and Yaciretá dams. Itaipu, being the second largest dam in the world, only uses about 22 percent of its capacity, according to the Ministry of Public Works and Communications. On the one hand, renegotiation of the treaty with Brazil that establishes the compensation of the neighboring country for the use of energy will be fundamental for the current government. Whereas, on the other hand, the Analysis and Diff usion Center of the Paraguayan Economy / CADEP also points out that the country has low levels of domestic consumption due to various obstacles. As for legal insecurity and corruption, they are one of the country’s challenges and were identifi ed by all the candidates and political parties that took part in the presidential elections of 2018. In this context, the current president Abdo Benítez, upon taking offi ce, placed a strong emphasis on corruption and impunity. For the latter, the government has embarked on a program to reform the judicial system (Llorente & Cuenca, 2019). Conclusion During the visit of Vice President Naidu, the importance of Paraguay as a food producer was highlighted, with natural complementarities with India, convening Indian investments. Also, both countries agreed to explore new areas of collaboration, including hydraulics and solar, health, information and communication technology, agricultural machinery, space and biotechnology, railroads and infrastructure related to tourism. The specifi c areas discussed included agricultural processing, the supply of equipment such as tractors from India, the modernization of the energy sector, and the supply of medical equipment and generic drugs, which could be useful for the Paraguayan health system (MEA, 2019). Undoubtedly, the arrival of more FDI will ultimately enhance the human resources of Paraguay, constituting a key opportunity for any country in its trajectory of projection in Latin America.  Author is working group on India and South Asia. 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