Annex A – List of publications with SIF announcements
Advanced manufacturing : Building Britain ’ s Future http :// www . berr . gov . uk / files / file52374 . pdf
UK Low Carbon Industrial Strategy http :// www . bis . gov . uk / strategy-for-low-carbon-businesses-to-benefit-british-jobs
The UK Low Carbon Transition Plan http :// www . decc . gov . uk / en / content / cms / publications / lc _ trans _ plan / lc _ trans _ plan . aspx
Government response to the Biotechnology IGT http :// www . berr . gov . uk / files / file51891 . pdf
Digital Britain Report http :// www . culture . gov . uk / images / publications / digitalbritain-finalreport-jun09 . pdf
Building Britain ’ s Future ( UK Innovation Investment fund ) http :// www . hmg . gov . uk / media / 27749 / full _ document . pdf
Life Sciences Blueprint http :// www . dius . gov . uk /~/ media / publications / O / ols-blueprint