Paper The UK Strategic Investment Fund | Page 22

6.5 Digital Britain
T H E U K S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T F U N D – I N T E R I M R E P O R T
Box D : Life Sciences
The Office for Life Sciences ( OLS ) was set up in January providing an example of Government ’ s active approach to industrial policy in the life sciences . The Life Sciences Blueprint , published on 14 July 2009 sets out a package of measures to transform the UK environment for life sciences companies . The actions fall in four key areas :
l The NHS as an innovation champion ; l Building a more integrated life sciences industry ; l Access to finance and stimulating investment ; l Marketing the UK life sciences industry overseas .
More details can be found in the Life Sciences Blueprint : http :// www . dius . gov . uk / innovation / business _ support / ols

6.5 Digital Britain

The Digital Britain Report 4 ( published June 2009 ) sets out the Government ’ s vision for :
l Ensuring the country has the modern communications infrastructure we need ;
l Enabling Britain to be a global centre for creative industries in the digital age ;
l Ensuring people have the capabilities and skills to flourish in the digital economy ; and ,
l Making sure we modernise and improve our own service to the taxpayer through use of digital technology .
The Digital Britain Report sets out a comprehensive list of actions in pursuit of these goals .
The SIF is funding some key elements of this , contributing to delivering universal availability of broadband ( with joint funding of around £ 200 million
4 http :// www . culture . gov . uk / what _ we _ do / broadcasting / 6216 . aspx