Paper The UK Strategic Investment Fund | Page 16

T H E U K S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T F U N D – I N T E R I M R E P O R T
l £ 2 million investment ( joint with the South West RDA with a £ 0.5 million contribution from the SIF ) to support the development of a Centre of Excellence for Silicon Design . Silicon electronics is the design , development and manufacture of extremely small electronic devices on wafers of singlecrystal silicon that consume very little electric power . The investment will support innovative activity as well as skills development and networking in the sector .
l £ 12 million of support for an Industrial Biotechnology demonstrator and a £ 2.5 million fund ( via the Technology Strategy Board ) to enable small and medium sized companies to access demonstration facilities . These investments reflect the importance of industrial biotechnology in advancing our capabilities in the chemicals and chemistry-using sectors . Regional Development Agency One North East has earmarked up to £ 1.5 million to help strategic partners in the region to access the facilities . This funding will help many sectors of the economy access the opportunities industrial biotechnology presents .
Dirk Carrez , EuropaBio ’ s Director , Industrial Biotechnology said :
“ A competitive European Knowledge-based Bioeconomy can only be realised when the European Union and the member states put a coherent policy framework in place . What has been done in the UK will motivate industry to continue investment in this emerging and innovative industrial sector ”.