T H E U K S T R A T E G I C I N V E S T M E N T F U N D – I N T E R I M R E P O R T
Life Sciences 4 %
Wave / marine 5 %
Offshore wind 19 %
Aerospace 38 %
Multi-sector 14 %
General Manufacturing 1 % Other High Tech Manufacturing 3 %
Electronics 2 %
Industrial biotech 2 %
Automotive 4 % Construction 2 %
Communications 6 %
Figure 2 : SIF investment portfolio , by sector 1
Source : BIS
l Investments target measures that are non-sector and non-product specific as well as sector specific . For example , SIF funding for the Technology Strategy Board enables it to invest in pre-commercial technologies across a wide range of sectors and the UK Innovation Investment Fund , managed by an experienced Fund of Funds Manager , will provide venture capital for a diverse range of high-tech firms . The SIF has provided support for a number of national centres for demonstration and research for pre-commercial technologies .
l All investments are consistent with Treasury Green Book principles and will be monitored carefully to determine their effectiveness . While these investments will primarily be made over 2009 / 10 and 2010 / 11 , the full impact of them will last into future years , with the aim of lasting impacts on the UK economy in recovery .
Note these are not SIC classifications of sectors , but a high level breakdown of SIF spend so far .