Paper: Optimal Residential Battery Management System Using Artificial Intelligence Digital_Energy_Full_paper_version_4_Final | Page 6

The results presented demonstrate that all prediction methods , when integrated with the optimization model , can offer benefits to prosumers and save electricity expenses nearly the same as with the case using ideal prediction values . This allows prosumers to take advantage of optimization benefits effectively .
The methodology employed in the study includes various phases such as load and PV yield forecasting , and optimization of battery charge / discharge control . Several forecasting models were utilized and compared objectively using a model comparison framework . This ensured equal testing and prevention of data leakage . Conventional evaluation metrics like MSE and MAE were used , and two novel metrics , ACDE and PWMSE , were introduced to cater to specific project needs . Authentic load profiles from the Open Fluvius dataset were used , which required a pre-processing algorithm to address missing data , duplicates , and inaccurate time intervals . The study investigated the effectiveness of an optimal battery management system ( BMS ) in reducing prosumers ’ electricity bills by employing predicted PV output and load data . The economic evaluation of a PV panel system with battery storage while considering different tariff structures was a primary goal . The study examined the impact of PV systems and batteries on consumer ’ s electricity bills , revealing that employing a suitable control system and integrating batteries could lower the monthly electricity cost by 44 %.
The optimal charging / discharging of the battery using load and PV yield predictions from artificial intelligence was also analyzed . The results showed that incorporating PV predicted values into the optimization model could lead to an error of approximately 9 %, but when both PV and load predictions were added , the error ranged from 10-14 %, which is still considered acceptable . These findings emphasize the significant impact of PV yield predictions on consumers ’ electricity savings and the importance of selecting the prediction method carefully . Overall , the study demonstrated that all prediction methods , when integrated with the optimization model , could provide benefits to prosumers , and save electricity expenses nearly the same as using ideal prediction values , with Elastic Net emerging as the most effective method for predicting peaks and offering the best overall performance .
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