A Letter from Robert DeFranco President of ACAS
A Q &A with Professor Jack Berger
A Q & A with student Tara Houser
A Q & A with student Carrie E. Freeland
Featured things
Pumpkin Waffles Recipe
A Continued Short Story
New Librarian Eager to Help you:
Librarian shares why he loves what he does
Other features
Quick Facts about ACAS
Information Literacy. . .
Get involved...
About Panther
Panther is the Official Newsletter of the American
College of Applied Science. It will be published
the first week of each month.
How do I submit articles
Submissions are accepted ongoing. We want to
be an open publication so we feel any creative
expression is acceptable: photography, poems,
short stories, news, reviews, etc. You can email
your submission or feedback to: librarian2013@ Be sure to use the word ‘PantherMag’ as the subject of your email.
About ACAS
The American College of Applied Science is
currently the only U.S. based institution of higher
learning to offer graduate and undergraduate
degree programs, and non-degree professional
development diploma programs, in companion
animal science and behavior based upon a
foundation of applied behavior analysis and
a working relationship with the veterinary
community. ACAS has been licensed as a degree
granting institution by the State of Florida,
Department of Education, Commission for
Independent Education, license no. 3145 since
January 2005. The college currently has an
application for accreditation pending with the
Accrediting Counsel for Independent College and
Schools (ACIAS) that is recognized by the U.S.
Department of Education and CHEA.
The ACAS Mission
The mission of the American College of Applied
Science is to provide graduate, undergraduate
and professional development program students
who reside in the State of Florida, throughout
the United States and around the world with
opportunities to launch, enhance or change
careers in a diverse global society and to
empower them through leadership, critical
thinking and practical skills to affect positive
change for society, the animals that share
our lives with us and the environment. This is
accomplished through providing high quality
and technologically advanced blended learning
programs and academic research opportunities
while subscribing to humane scientific principles
of investigation that continue to be our most
trusted method of inquiry.
Contact ACAS
P.O. Box 825
Crescent City FL 32112-0825 USA
Email: [email protected]
Panther Newsletter | Fall ISSUE 01 | NOVEMBER 2013
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