PanPastel Lesson Plan No.1



Objectives :
Create separate eye , nose and mouth drawings using PanPastel Colors and colored pencils . Students will understand the structure of these features through the application of values . Students will use PanPastel Colors as a base for skin tones and will use them to block in forms of each feature . Colored pencils will be used to add details .
Grade Level :
Middle & High School Grades / Ages 11-18
Facial Features with PanPastel & Colored Pencils
Materials :
PanPastel Colors : Use a palette of limited colors / skin tones Colored Pencils : High quality colored pencils work best for this lesson Grounds : Bristol board , toned paper , drawing paper ( at least 80 lb ) or illustration board . ( Smoother , heavyweight paper works best for this lesson .) Sofft Tools : For blending such as Knife with Cover No . 3 ( oval )
Miscellaneous : Paper towels and eraser
Pre-Lesson ideas :
1 . Draw each feature on the board or use a projected image and ask students to sketch and label the anatomy of each feature .
Example : for the eye , teacher would have an image of the eye with corresponding labels for pupil , sclera , iris , upper and lower lid . 2 . Create pre-drawn worksheet with features of the face . Students should shade the planes of each feature to help them understand the forms . 3 . Have students create a value scale from dark to light using two PanPastel Colors .
Example : create a blended value scale using Violet ( 470.5 ) and Violet Tint ( 470.8 ). Blend the value scale using Sofft Tools . 4 . Create a PowerPoint presentation with PanPastel and colored pencil media examples .
Lesson :
Related Terms To Know : Highlight Mid-Tone Shadow Anatomy Form Layering
1 .
1-2 class periods : students should complete pre-lesson activities
2 .
Supply students with photographs of nose , mouth , eye and appropriate drawing paper .
3 .
Teacher Demonstration - 1 class period : teacher should demonstrate how to apply PanPastel to create an eye , nose or mouth .
Teacher should then show students how to add details to the drawing using colored pencils .
4 .
1-3 class periods : students should either draw the image in a 5x5 ” area of the paper or use newsprint to grid and draw the image then shade the back
with PanPastel and transfer each feature to appropriate sized paper . ( See page 4 ).
5 .
4-6 class periods : students will begin adding base layers to each of their features . They should do one at a time , then move to the next feature .


PANPASTEL COLORS Apply Pastel Color Like Paint
Download this lesson plan : paintdrawblend . com / art-education-resources
The Revolutionary New Way To Use Color 1
Lesson Plan Developed by : Megan Buccere , Visual & Performing Arts Dept . Head - Zachary High School Zachary , LA ( USA )
PanPastel . com PaintDrawBlend . com