PanPastel Lesson Plan - Handcoloring Lesson Plan No.4 Hand-Coloring Joomag | Page 3

Using the kneaded eraser to remove color that may have been applied outside the edge of the flower .
Layering Diarylide Yellow Shade over Hansa Yellow with the applicator . ( This step is optional … it just gives the image a little more depth .)
Applying Turquoise Shade in the shadow areas of the flower .
Kneaded Eraser
Using the tip of the applicator to remove excess Turquoise Shade onto the paper towel .
Gently erasing excess color with the kneaded eraser .
Using the tip of applicator to fill in the stem with Bright Yellow Green Shade .
Using the edge of the Sponge Bar ( Wedge ) to add Titanium White to the highlights ( the applicator can also be used to add white ).
3 painting drawing mixed media