PanPastel Catalogue | Page 8

Basic Techniques

It is very easy to begin using PanPastel . Here are some basic techniques to get started :
1 . Swipe the Sofft Tool over the pan surface 1-2 times with a circular motion . Tip : Swiping the pan ’ s surface more than necessary will generate excess dust .
2 . The same tool can be used with several colors . “ Clean ” Sofft Tools between colors by wiping on a dry paper towel . Tip : Wipe KNIFE / COVER side to side so the paper towel doesn ’ t drag the cover off .
3 . Apply like paint to paper / working surface . Reload tool with color as required .
4 . Mix colors - like paint - to create intermediate colors . See page 9 for mixing techniques .
Palette trays are the ideal way to hold PanPastel in use . They hold the pans securely . Each palette tray has a cover making storage of the colors quick and easy .
TIP To easily lift pans from the palette - use a PanPastel lid .
Colors are fully erasable with any eraser . So corrections can be made & mistakes removed easily .