PanPastel Catalogue | Page 24


Boxed Kits

Joanne Barby
Joanne Barby selected the colors in these kits . Joanne is a popular artist who paints and teaches with PanPastel Colors . Several video tutorials on the PanPastel YouTube Channel were created with Joanne .
30251 Joanne Barby - General Painting Kit ( 20 Colors )
Artist ’ s Signature Kits
250.5 280.5 340.5 430.5 430.1 470.1 520.5 560.1 560.5 580.5
620.5 740.5 780.8 840.3 800.5 100.5 911.5 013 011 010 30252 Joanne Barby - Seascape Painting Kit ( 20 Colors )
470.3 470.8 520.1 520.5 560.1 560.3 560.5 580.5 580.8 620.5
800.5 100.5 740.8 740.5 910.5 930.5 954.5 955.5 956.5 620.3
Les Darlow
Les is the author of several books on the pastel medium , including “ Absolute Pastels ”. He is also a a popular demonstrator and tutor throughout the UK . LesDarlow . com
30089 Les Darlow - Skyscapes Kit ( 10 Colors )
Online Video Tutorials Available
620.1 560.1 560.5 520.5 580.5 430.1 340.5 280.5 250.8 100.5 30253 Les Darlow - Sky , Land & Sea Painting Kit ( 20 Colors )
620.1 560.1 520.5 580.5 470.1 430.1 280.5 680.5 740.3 800.5
660.5 560.5 520.8 560.8 470.3 340.5 280.8 250.8 820.5 100.5
Julia Woning
Julia Woning is the author of the “ PanPastel Workshop ” book which covers many basic techniques & tutorials for using PanPastel Colors . The colors in the starter kit are used throughout Julia ’ s book . JuliaWoning . com
30090 Julia Woning Combination Set : PanPastel Workshop Book + Starter Kit *
( 10 Colors )
220.5 340.5 430.5 520.5 580.5
740.8 100.5 820.2 800.5 010
* Starter Kit is also available without the book . Item code : 30086
PanPastel Workshop Book ( 96 pages ) Ref . 98041
Kirsty Rebecca
Kirsty Rebecca is an award-winning Australian artist , who specializes in realistic wildlife , pet portraiture , human portraiture , florals , landscapes , and still life . KirstyRebeccaFineArt . com
30254 Kirsty Rebecca - General Realism Kit ( 20 Colors )
560.1 520.5 580.5 470.3 340.1 740.1 740.5 220.5 840.3 800.5
640.1 660.5 560.8 430.5 340.5 780.5 740.8 270.8 840.7 100.5
Visit PanPastel . com for full details of all set & kit contents .