PanPastel Catalogue | Page 11


PanPastel Pearl Mediums add a lustrous pearlescent sheen and shimmer , which changes depending on the angle they are viewed from , this also creates dimension .
The Pearl Mediums are mica based and can be mixed with all PanPastel Colors for custom pearlescent colors or used on their own for mixed media .
Black Coarse
Black Fine
PanPastel Pearl Mediums White ( Fine & Coarse ), Black ( Fine & Coarse )
White Fine
White Coarse
Black Pearl Mediums Create rich jewel tones
White Pearl Mediums Create custom pearlescent colors
Pearl Medium Black Coarse mixed with Violet 470.5
Pearl Medium White Coarse mixed with Violet 470.5
One of the most important and unique characteristics of PanPastel Colors is that they are dry ( pastel ) colors that can be mixed like fluid paints . They “ flow ” even though they are dry .
The Colorless Blender enhances the “ flow ” and extends the blending possibilities of PanPastel .
Colorless Blender
VIDEO : PaintDrawBlend . com / owl Joanne Barby uses PanPastel Metallic and Pearlescent Colors to add luminosity & dimension to her paintings . Including for this owl painting which is available as a free online video tutorial . @ JoanneBarby
Using Colorless Blender : Color can be extended ( diluted ) & becomes more transparent , but the color itself remains the same .
Mixing with White : Changes the color by tinting it , making it more opaque .