Canadian women in film celebrated for their outstanding success
during Call the Shots: Female Power Through Film
ICFF marks International Women’s Day with another successful edition of its annual event.
Accomplished female producer, set decorator, festival programmer and actress take the stage for
intriguing discussion on gender parity in the film industry.
Toronto - ICFF is proud to share the
achievements of Friday night’s 2 annual
edition of Call the Shots: Female Power
through Film, presented by IC Savings. In
celebration of International Women’s
Day, before a packed house at the TIFF
Bell Lightbox
in Toronto, a
of The Name
of a
Woman was
enjoyed by
Mara Cataldi GM ICFF
attendees, following an exhilarating panel
discussion with four prominent females in
the film industry. Director of Operations
and creator of the event, Mara Cataldi,
spoke of her view of modern-day
feminism, saying “The feminist
movement of today doesn’t have to be a
battle of the sexes, but a common goal for
all… This isn’t about men against
women; it’s about people against
prejudice, and everybody needs to get on
board. Men and women must collaborate
and work harmoniously together.”
Moderated by ICFF Artistic Director
Cristiano de Florentiis and Coordinator of
Cultural Events Tonia Serrao Soppelsa,
the panel consisted of Canadian actress
and screenwriter Jennifer Dale, TIFF
International Programmer Jane Schoettle,
renowned set decorator Patricia Cuccia,
and acclaimed movie producer Christina
Piovesan. The women shared their
personal experiences and spoke of the
challenges they’ve faced coming up
through the ranks of a male-dominated
industry. There was an overwhelming
consensus, however, that the tide is
changing. Jennifer Dale noted female
directors are busier than ever,
saying, “All of our funding bodies, all of
our networks, all of the production
companies are committed to gender
Tonia Serrao Soppelsa e Cristiano De Florentiis
parity, so I’m really excited about… the
films that these women are going to be
making that we’re going to be seeing
from the female eye.” Jane Schoettle
pointed out, “Things are changing very
rapidly in the last couple of years; all of
them for the good… There’s been an
incredible increase in awareness of the
gender disparity in terms of all aspects of
film production, but particularly in
leadership roles.” It was a powerful and
about gender
equality in the
workplace; one
that left the
audience with
a strong sense
of hope for the
Although there
is still much
work to be
done in order
to achieve true
equality for
women and
men, the message was inspiring: a
growing number of roles traditionally
held by men, specifically in the film
industry, are now held by females,
including writing, directing and some of
the more technical positions. Special
guest Michael Tibollo, MPP for
Vaughan-Woodbridge and Minister of
Tourism, Culture and Sport, delivered
some exciting news for Hollywood North.
The Ontario government is investing
millions of dollars into the province’s
exploding film and television industry,
with the recent expansion of Pinewood
Toronto Studios and the addition of
Netflix productions in our city, creating
thousands of new jobs. A special thank-
you goes out to our honoured guest,
Italian Ambassador to Canada Claudio
Taffuri, for his impactful words on the
need for a greater female presence in
cinema. A very personal message from
Director Marco Tullio Giordana was
directed to the Toronto audience preceded
the screening of his latest work. The
Name of a Woman is a striking
commentary on harassment in the
workplace, but as Giordana explained, it
is a complex issue: “Abuse can be
between two people of the same sex. It’s
not a problem between a man and a
woman; it’s an issue of power. That is to
say, ‘I am stronger than you; I control
your destiny; I will do whatever I want
and you have to suffer’. This is
"ICFF Youth" Il Festival internazionale del cinema per i ragazzi
Dal 13 al 19 aprile
Nuovamente quest’anno, la
International Contemporary
Film Festival Youth (ICFF
Youth ripropone un Festival di
cinema internazionale per
ragazzi. Dopo il grande successo
dell’anno scorso, in cui più di
tremila studenti provenienti da
più di 35 scuole parteciparono
alla quinta edizione, quest’anno
continueremo, per il sesto anno
consecutivo, a presentare una
varietà di films in lingua
italiana, francese, portoghese e
anche cinese. Questo festival
coinvolge gli studenti di Toronto
e York Region non solo in
interessanti proiezioni
cinematografiche ma anche in
specifiche lezioni di cinema.
Questa è una perfetta occasione
per approfondire la propria
conoscenza dell’arte del cinema
ed imparare divertendosi. Tutti i
films sono specificamente
selezionati per bambini tra gli 8
e 11 anni e ragazzi tra i 12 e 18
anni… films che non solo
avvranno una funzione di
intrattenimento ma anche e
soprattutto una funzione
educativa. Temi rilevanti come
amicizia, coraggio, lealtà,
impegno e tanto ancora saranno
una parte integrale del
programma cinematografico di
L'Altra Italia: The Place" il film di Aprile
April 12, 2019 –
TIFF Bell Lightbox
April 25, 2019 –
Cineplex Cinemas
Al suo undicesimo film da regista, Paolo Genovese scuote le coscienze con domande
esistenziali sul bene e il male e sul libero arbitrio: cosa saresti disposto a fare per ottenere
ciò che vuoi? In un ambiente completamente differente dagli altri film dello sceneggiatore
italiano, un misterioso uomo siede sempre allo stesso tavolo di un ristorante, pronto a
esaudire i più grandi desideri di otto visitatori, in cambio di compiti da svolgere. Ma
quanto saranno disposti a spingersi oltre i protagonisti per realizzare i loro sogni? E
soprattutto, chi è quell’uomo e chi stabilisce le regole?
questo Festival. L’ICFF Youth
offre quindi a tutti gli studenti
l’opportunità di vivere una
grande esperienza educazionale,
portandoli a contatto con il
meglio del cinema
internazionale per ragazzi. Se
siete interessati a partecipare a
questo festival, che vi ricordo si
terrà dal 13 al 19 aprile a
Toronto, potete andare sul
nostro sito
o contattarci tramite email a
[email protected] o telefonare al
numero 416-551-4615. Vi
aspettiamo al festival e vi
auguro un buon proseguimento
di serata.
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and cultural events for possible
coverage by Panorama
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Panorama Febbraio/Marzo 2019