Some of it will be truthful and factual however you may see information there that has nothing to do with you or is wrong and easily proven as such. This is now your opportunity to right the wrongs noted in your file (You will need to supply proof it is incorrect), or see clearly the issues you need to address. If you read that domestic violence has had a serious impact on your life then now is the opportunity for you to seek help by attending courses that address the impact of DV and how to break the cycle. In may contain notes in regards to concerns regarding your parenting and again this gives you a clear indication where you can improve your skills.
Brace yourself for the upsetting stuff
Your file may also contain serious concerns that have been raised that you know are untrue or where someone has phoned with a false but hurtful allegation. Knowing they maybe there is important and our advice is not to read through your file alone. Have a trusted friend or PANIC advocate with you or where you can contact them quickly should you need it.
What not to do....
Don't go and confront people who you think made the allegation against you. Keep in mind the person inputting the information may not have worded it the way the person reporting it worded it. Where as they were raising it as a possible concern the way it was typed in was as if a confirmed allegation. Sometimes allegations come those you least expect. Do not phone up and abuse the social worker. Social workers rely on the information provided to them and upload it into the computer, they do not know if its true or not. They can not just take your word for it, they have to do their job and investigate allegations. Past allegations although noted may have been lightly investigated without your knowledge or put in the non-urgent pile and forgotten about so now is not the time to scream at the social worker. This will just place yet another negative comment on your file which will continue to be updated as your case progresses. SOMETIMES social workers have been known to make notes in regards to someone that are highly unprofessional or untruthful in nature. Do not get upset if you’re able to prove this information wrong. Deal with it in a professional manner. Your PANIC advocate will help you through the complaints process.
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