CYF do have rights to remove any child that they consider to be at risk (safety of a child is the most important). If this happens, then the situation can be sorted through later.

Try to keep calm, so as not to make your situation any worse.

One thing to remember, in the first instance, is to say as little as possible, because anything said, could be used later against you.

You have the right to have a witness there as a support person when being interviewed, which can help you at a later date, in clarifying anything that has been written down.

If you find that you have been bullied or you do not agree with the process you can approach one of the support organisations or make a formal complaint to CYF.

Keep notes, including dates and time of any communications, for further reference, because over time important

things can be forgotten.

Take one day at a time. It often takes time to reach an outcome.

Things you need to know

(to keep you safe)