There is often the rather frustrating but what seems normal delays in cases.
These are very hard on families wanting nothing more than answers or some kind of resolutions.
For organisations such as PANIC this can become equally frustrating, but there is little that can be done to improve the speed in which answers, replies or solutions are found.
The on going battle to improve services from the department and other organisations will it seem continue. Not only due to few being willing to face their own mistakes but trying to untangle the web of errors that have often led to the point the case is at now. Yes in some situations this has been caused by the clients in part themselves. Some understanding however needs to be given in this as much of the procedures followed by the department can be very confusing from the very beginning of cyfs evolvement. In fact so confusing at times it seems the social workers themselves are unable to understand them.
For an organisation dealing with the issues for families this can become just as frustrating. Many solutions or answers could be gained if some social workers were far more honest and/or willing to take in some solutions even if they differ from their own. For case workers, frustrations can arise when a solution can be seen, however, sometimes the attitude of a social worker, unwilling to even recognize a support worker from PANIC, replies are not forthcoming. Both sides can feel as if they are banging their heads, mean while for the client they can feel as if their case has come to a halt when in fact much work is still going on or its a waiting game for replies.
So why do some cases find solutions fast and others no so?
The simple reason is it depends on all sides being willing to meet somewhere in the middle while other issues are sorted. Each step taken carefully so as not to create more problems for all concerned. Compromise and knowing that this is about the child FIRST, the debate about who is wrong and who is right can continue after decisions are made.
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