From Oscar Pistorious, the Paralympic
track star who murdered his girlfriend;
to Michael Nunn who ruined his boxing
career distributing cocaine; to Colorado
Avalanche goalie Seymon Varlamov
who got arrested for physically assaulting his girlfriend; athletes appear to be
committing more and more crimes.
Whilst sports apologists may say that
this only appears to be happening due
to the rise of social media and media
coverage, according to the ESPN Sports
Zone Poll 83% of the public believes
that both college and pro athletes are
committing more criminal acts as opposed to 25 years ago.
So why do these crimes happen? Aren’t
these people our role models and inspirations? Why are they crushing the perfect image we conjured them up to be?
On the other hand the problem cannot
simply be placed on the athletes alone.
Many athletes continue to transgress the
law regardless of the ‘pu