Pandora DCB Jun. 2014 | Page 18

AIRHEADS AIRHEADS WHERE’S THE REALITY IN REALITY TV? BY MICHELLE LIM re·al·i·ty [rē ’al tē] noun the world or the state of things as they actually exist, as opposed to an idealistic or notional idea of them. REASON #1 a television screen and ten thousand something miles keeping us far, far apart. But it’s because I’ll never personally have to face him that I can easily say, while terrifying, he is also a hilarious human being. Do you ever feel like real life is just the worst? Maybe you do, maybe you don’t, and maybe it’s the reason that you often find yourself surrendering to twenty-four hours of playing catch-up with The Real Housewives of New York. Most of the time, due to heavy social-media propaganda, your mind is telling you it’s not real—but your body is telling you yes. Reality is fickle and it’s tedious when you contrast it to the action-packed thrill of fiction, therefore, when these producers present fiction as reality, it’s likely you’ll be bought into the ruse. Not only that, the first-world issues that most of these protagonists go through can make you feel a whole lot better. While Audrey Reyes (My Super Sweet Sixteen) may cry over having her birthday Lexus sent in a day early, you might real