Pandora DCB Jun. 2014 | Page 16

AIRHEADS START HERE AIRHEADS For most of you reading this article, you are probably at least somewhat knowledgeable about League of Legends: after all, it boasts a record of over 67 million players per month. However, what some of you may not know is that League of Legends had a predecessor – a Warcraft III mod called Defense of the Ancients, which has been available since as early as 2003. And the creation of the “MOBA” (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre is largely attributed to it, its creator has since been employed by Valve (creator of Half-Life, Portal, etc.) to make a new Dota 2. They are games where you control a single character ALEX’S OPINION LEAGUE OF LEGENDS League of Legends is better than Dota, nuff said. However, in the name of good journalism, I will use hard evidence to make this fact undeniable and irrefutable. Firstly, League of Legends evolved from Dota, and thus it is more advanced in both community and mechanics. One of the first things evident to anyone that plays both is the fact that League of Legends is faster paced. It relies on a faster reaction time and skill level. The games move at different tempos, and League of Legends is better because it progresses at a tempo that doesn’t put people to sleep. It relies more heavily on snappy decision making than long-term strategy, of course this isn’t necessarily a factor which makes it superior, however it does make the game more interesting. Secondly, League of Legends is quite simply more popular. Dota is the hipster cousin that got left behind when the rest of the family moved to California. This fact is quite evident from the fact that the Season 2 16 (champion and hero for LoL and Dota, respectively) in a team of five to defeat the enemy’s team of five, gaining money through killing each other with the ultimate goal of entering the enemy’s base and defeating a core structure. There are also many other “MOBA” video games such as Heroes of Newerth, but for this article we’ll only be focusing on LoL and Dota 2. You might be wondering why the acronym “MOBA” up there is in quotation marks. Well, that’s because it’s sometimes disagreed upon. Many Dota players don’t think it is an appropriate term for such games – there are many other games that could be “Online” and “Multiplayer” while featuring players “Battling” in an “Arena,” such as our regular Prize Pool for the League of Legends Championship totalled an amount of 5,000,000 USD, an unprecedented prize in the history of e-sports. Another form of solid proof is the fact that public choice awards for Game of the Year have been won by League of Legends year after year. Every game asks for their players’ support, but only League has the sufficient size to clinch the victory. League of Legends is a free-to-play game supported by micro-transactions. Nonetheless it must now earn billions in comparison to its humble beginnings in 2009, taking into consideration the 32 million players registered worldwide, which proves an almost efffortlessly maintained growth rate in popularity. DOTA on the other hand is inadequate in comparison, reaching peaks of 600,000 concurrent players per day. League of Legends on the other hand has expanded into eight regions and has an average of 12 millions players worldwide per day. Thirdly, some would argue that Dota requires more skill, because of the deeper Meta regarding items and skill usage. Especially when it comes to conserving resources in skirmishes. However, this viewpoint is First Person Shooters such as Call of Duty. But LoL was the game which spread its fame into the world moreso than ever before – surely Riot had the right to name their game’s genre? Then again, this is the least of the rifts between the LoL and Dota community. A quick Google search will yield you with copious evidence of the antipathy the players hold for each other. Perhaps it’s because they heard the other has weird mechanics, or perhaps it’s because they tried the other and got repulsed by the toxic community (even though their own is just as bad); but the differences between the games, and more importantly, the matter of which one is better, is a debate that still shakes the gaming forums to this day. almost ridiculous when you consider how League of Legends employs a system that requires the utmost strategy when planning runes, masteries and summoner spells. If anything, League of Legends requires more skills as a more fast paced and dynamic game. Finally, League of Legends is the better game because it develops. League of Legends has