Pandora DCB Jun. 2014 | Page 12

OPENINGS OPENINGS EXAM REVISION THE MISCONCEPTIONS BY ROBYN BALL AND ERICA JIN AN INTERVIEW WITH MRS. STANLEY How did you revise when you were in school? Notes. I revised best from copying things out. What mistakes do students make when revising? Just reading the book or just reading the information. Not using exam papers and the mark scheme. How would you advise students to revise? Go through the specification, and then split up your revision accordingly. Focus on the things you're not very good at. MAKING NOTES Notes! Nearly everyone makes them before revising for exams. Do you colour code your notes by different subjects? A different colour per topic? A different colour for formulas? Chances are when revising for exams, you are most likely to rewrite your notes, summarising what could be two years worth of notes into one book. However, does this really help? What can happen is that many people get caught in a very deadly trap… we spend too much time writing the notes and making it pretty instead of a