Palmera 19 Palmera 19 | Page 25

HALLOWEEN RECIPES Recipe name: Banana ghost. Ingredients: a banana and dark chocolate. Directions: First we must have a bowl. You have to stir the chocolate and cut the banana to the half when the chocolate melts. Put the chocolate on the banana as if it was a face. Tamara Vasquez (5è) Directions: Take the banana and cut it in half. Heat the chocolate and make the eyes. Put the banana in the fridge and wait between 5 or 10 minutes. When the time passes take out the ghost and ready to eat! Khadija Moujane (5è) Recipe name: Mummy fingers Ingredients: 250 g of flour, an egg, a little water, a little bit of milk, salt, a spoon of butter, and three sausages. Directions: Put the flour in a bowl and add the egg, the yeast and the salt and mix with your hands. The dough has to be mold. Let’s take the dough and make it flat and cut thin strips. Then, wrap the sausages with the dough. You can fry or bake it. Shaila Ulloa (5è) Recipe name: Easy tangerines pumpkins. Ingredients: tangerines and cucumber. Directions: Peel the fruit. Cut the cucumber in small parts. Put the cucumber small pieces inside the tangerine. Ikenna Oliete (5è)