PALESTINE Memories of 1948 - Photographs of Jerusalem | Page 63

released and those from East Nazareth were able to stay, but later, when the State of Israel gave us citizen- ship, they were distinguished by a special stamp, as if to make them “special cases”: their identity cards were written in red ink, whereas ours were in blue ink. It was a way of differentiating those who had run away in 1948 and who had come back from those, like us, who had always stayed. In 1949, Nahda got in contact with a progressive women’s organization, an association of Jewish women which had already existed before the creation of Israel. They were advocating for the return of Palestinian refugees and wanted, just like us, to be members of the Women’s International Democratic Federation, 13 which had a voice in the United Nations, and which was holding its congress in Paris that year. But the Federation explained to us that it could not include two associations from the same country, even if there were Palestinian-Israeli women on the one hand and Jewish-Israeli women on the other, and so they asked us to merge. We finally managed to do so in 1951 by taking on the name of Movement of Democratic Women. This caused some acid comments from all the other Palestinians outside Israel. The diaspora thought that we should not remain within the State of Israel, whereas for us, it was, on the contrary, an act of resist- ance. Particularly because, if there were 158,000 Pal- estinians in Israel in 1948, today there are 1.7 million of us – ten times more. To be numerous is a victory, even if it is a silent one… Methods of communication at the time not being what they are today, discussion was more difficult. Our respective positions divided us, while we were all trying to defend a single and same Palestinian identity. It was in that Movement of Democratic Women that I met Yukhavit and her partner Benyamin Gonen, who had emigrated to Palestine in the early 1930s, when they were four and five years old, she fleeing from Palm Sunday procession, Jerusalem Samira 61