PALESTINE Memories of 1948 - Photographs of Jerusalem | Page 135

Brazil, and of sending 9000 tonnes of them to New York by ship. At the time, I was under the impression that I could do anything: nothing and no one could resist Muhyeddin of Gaza! So, I accepted and made myself available. Especially since it was the bosses of Ford who were asking this of me. I had no idea of the hell that awaited me. First, the director of Ford sent a letter of credit for US $180,000 to the Bank of Brazil in order to guaran- tee that I would be paid. Then, leaving my wife and my three children in Rio (Mona and Magda had been born in the interim), and the garage in my brother’s hands, I went far away to São Luis do Maranhão. 21 There I got a shock: I had landed on another planet! The air was saturated with humidity and the area was crawling with jiboas – that is what they call the anacondas in the Amazon – and jacaré, alligators. And also, it was said that the indigenous people of the region were cannibals and that they preferred the flesh of foreigners because it was salty… Since snakes did not climb up walls, I hung my hammock there, it was the only way of sleeping peacefully! Picking the babaçu was not difficult, but money was of no use to pay the people: in São Luis do Maranhão, one bartered! In the beginning, I had choc- olates, sweets, clothes and even wine brought up. Then, an American from Ford came to give me a hand; he came with a projector and started showing films on a cloth stretched out on a wall in the street: publicity for Working in the orchards, around 1910 Muhyeddin 133