Palestine Magazine Summer Edition 2023 | Page 7


Let ’ s continue to enjoy sunny days in Palestine


It ’ s been a scorching , hot summer and while we still have another couple of months until things cool down , it ’ s already time for students and teachers to head back to school . That means it ’ s also almost time for high school football ! Who else is ready for those Friday night lights ? I know I am !
Since the sun hasn ’ t fully set on summer , there is still time to enjoy some sunny Saturdays and explore our community . In this edition , tour Palestine ’ s new Airbnb , The Icehouse Inn , take a ride with the 903 Jeep Club , find out everything you need to know about hops from Columnist
Chris Keller and look for a few familiar faces in our Around Town photo spread . Special thanks to our readers and advertisers for making this magazine possible and supporting local journalism . Communities and businesses thrive when they support each other .
We hope everyone will explore , shop and eat locally as we transition from summer to fall !
Best wishes and warmest regards ,

PennyLynn Webb

Editor , Palestine Herald-Press , Palestine Magazine


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