Palestine Magazine Summer Edition 2023 | Page 23

Brighton said that getting crowned was her favorite part of the entire experience . As a national queen Brighton will be traveling to represent the Miss Elementary America Pageant and enjoy her winnings , including a cruise and a shopping day at American Girl . Brighton also received a $ 5,000 scholarship , a $ 2,000 gift certificate to Miss Priss and a pink electric toothbrush she ’ s very proud of . She will crown 2023 Miss Texas Elementary America First Grade this November .
As part of her platform as Miss Elementary America Second Grade , Brighton will be presenting her BRAVE Program to area elementary school classes this year . BRAVE stands for “ Building Respect and Values For Everyone .” Through his program Brighton shares ways for students to treat each other with respect , what to do if they are bullied , how to protect themselves from being cyberbullied and how to stand up for others . The goal of this program is to raise awareness about bullying in schools and reduce the negative effects of bullying by being kind , courteous , friendly , caring
Elkhart student Brighton Bedre was named Miss Elementary America Second Grade 2023 on June 30 in Little Rock , Arkansas . COURTESY PHOTO
and respective , and to be responsible bystanders who are part of the solution , helping others to feel safe and comfortable at our schools . Community service is an area that Brighton takes very seriously . For the Miss Elementary America she turned in 97 hours . As her top service project , Brighton collects used , unwrapped or wrapped broken crayons and sends them to the Crayon Initiative . She chose this project because she loves art , especially painting and drawing . The Crayon Initiative is a non-profit organization dedicated to recycling used and unwanted crayons to preserve our environment and enrich the lives of hospitalized children through art and imagination . According to their website , used crayons do not biodegrade but create a waxy sludge in landfills . The Crayon