and their intense citrus and tropical fruit flavors , American hops have become the world ’ s most popular hops . Even the Germans have begun cross breeding with American strains . Once harvested , the hops need to be dried , cured , baled , and are also thoroughly analyzed for flavor strength and oil content so brewers know what they ’ re working with . From here they are sent to processing where they are converted into pellets that look very much like hamster food . A hamster would certainly turn its nose at these , though . Hops really only taste good in beer , and hop water too , a new product becoming popular . Wholecone hops from the bale can be used and many brewers swear by them , but they are labor intensive , inefficient , require more diligence in storage , and they don ’ t last as long . Fresh , wet , uncured hops can also be used as they provide a unique fresh-fruit flavor only fresh hops can provide . They must be used within 24 hours after harvest , so the farther away from the farm , the more difficult it becomes . Every year at Saint Arnold we would overnight hops from Washington State to make a fresh hop beer . The bitterness in beer comes from the isomerization of the alpha acids in the hops that happens during the boil . The longer the hops are boiled , the more bitterness is achieved . The less time the alpha acids are boiled , the more hop flavor , and when not boiled at all , they provide intense hop aroma . The beta acids in hops don ’ t create bitterness , they create more flavor and boiling removes this flavor . So if a brewer wants to utilize the entire hop ’ s flavor , hops must be added throughout the boil , after the boil , and in the fermenter too ! All modern IPAs use this process as they have really become the ultimate showcase of our intensely tasty and unique American hop varieties . Drink them fresh ! The fruity , floral flavors and aromas start to diminish after a few weeks and after about four months will be mostly gone ! New innovations are being developed all the time in hop processing , like hop extracts and “ cryo hops ,” which are straight lupulins or basically concentrated hops , or new hopping techniques
like mash hopping and “ dip hopping .” I was thoroughly impressed with the hops we were testing in the lab . I had never experienced hops on that level before , much less worn them at that level : my beard , face and hands were bright yellow and sticky . Sam and Vince , however , were not very impressed . Those hops were lacking that depth that makes the difference between a good beer and a great beer . They assured me that testing good hops side by side with great hops is akin to a religious experience . Once you find those hops , you still need to negotiate a contract on them vying against several other breweries trying for the same hops . Until you get that contract , nothing in hop negotiations is guaranteed . Unlike kissing your wife after you ’ ve been testing hops . That ’ s guaranteed to be unpleasant .
Chris Keller has worked in beer sales for a distributor , as a brewer for Saint Arnold Brewing Co . in Houston , and is the owner of Pint and Barrel Drafthouse in Palestine , Texas .