Some of Palestine ’ s local block leaders meet at a picnic to discuss good neighboring objectives . COURTESY PHOTO | PALESTINE HERALD-PRESS
summer and wants to encourage neighbors to put up more light decorations for the holidays .
As Block Leader Coordinator , Wright connects block leaders with resources and provides support in the form of in-person training , monthly block leader meetings , research , and email messages that inspire good neighboring .
More block leaders are always in demand . Some areas of Palestine do not yet have a block leader , and ones that do can use more help .
“ We all need to be more connected and more caring , and that ’ s something that doesn ’ t always come naturally ,” Wright said . “ Sometimes it [ seems ] inconvenient but it ’ s always worth the time and effort to be available to loan a tool [ or ] to knock on a door to see if someone ’ s okay .”
People who want to get involved can attend the organization ’ s monthly Action Team meetings . For information on how to get involved , contact Wright at 903- 922-6986 or stephaniejevents @ gmail . com or Willhite at ( 903 ) 922-6149 or lynn @ wecarepalestine . org or follow WE CARE Palestine on Facebook .