Palestine Chamber Magazine 2021 | Page 25

PALESTINECHAMBER . ORG 25 emergency lines , and vice versa . When callers use the wrong line , dispatchers listen carefully to their needs . They make split-second decisions to determine the type of help people need , sending help to one out of every four or five calls .
Though not all calls are true emergencies , answering the line respectfully and seriously is always important .
“ We ’ re the very first voice people hear when they have an emergency call ,” Blalock said . “ At any given moment when the phone rings , it could be life or death . No matter what call comes in , it is an emergency because it ’ s a situation that ’ s gotten beyond their control .”
Fifer agrees . Sometimes she listens to people who call just needing someone to listen to them — and often allows them to stay on the line while she answers other calls .
“ If they ’ re calling , they ’ re having a really bad day ,” Fifer said . “ That ’ s a big deal for me to pick up that phone call .”
Though Blalock also appreciates working with a back-up dispatcher to lighten the load of calls on hectic days , he says the hardest part of his job is maintaining composure when speaking to people who are in a heightened emotional state .
“ It takes a certain amount of character strength to handle emotional calls ,” Blalock said . “ We have to be the voice of reason .”
Even though Fifer likes helping others as a dispatcher , some calls can still be difficult . She received one recently from a 10-year-old child .
The child ’ s mom was having a medical emergency , so he ran to a
neighbor ’ s house to make the 9-1-1 call . Fortunately , the situation had a good outcome . Fifer dispatched the appropriate personnel at the right time , and the woman survived .
“[ The boy ] got his mom some much-needed help ,” Fifer said .
For non-emergency calls within the Palestine City limits , dial 903- 729-2254 . For emergencies , call 9-1-1 .